Continuous learning. Endless zchusim.

Kollel Lomdei Retzifus is a select group of talmidei chachamim at Kever Rashbi who are raising limud Torah to greater heights through uninterrupted learning.
Partner with Kollel Lomdei Retzifus
— and experience the unique power of Torah b’rtzifus
No breaks badge
26 Talmidei Chachamim
Kever Rashbi
No Distractions

Because 12+12 does not equal 24

It’s the reason Rabbi Akiva returned to his learning without even stopping to see his family. And it’s the reason our greatest talmidei chachamim make every effort to learn without interruption.

Among our greatest leaders, Rabbi Akiva started learning Torah when he was already 40 years old. After 12 years, he traveled back home to his family but stopped at the entrance to his home. There, he heard his wife express her willingness to let him stay and learn another 12 years. Rabbi Akiva turned back immediately and returned 12 years later, the leader of his generation.
Stopping even for a short time would have marked Rabbi Akiva’s 24 years of learning with interruption.When it comes to learning Torah, uninterrupted doesn’t just mean more learning, it means an entirely different level of greatness in Torah.

In partnership with the talmidei chachamim of Kollel Lomdei Retzifus, you can benefit from the special light of Torah learning marked by no interruptions, and the tefillos that follow this unique seder, at the holy site of the Kever Rashbi in Meron.

שמח זבולן בצאתך
A partnership as old as our people. An investment with only positive returns.

Supporting a talmid chacham while he sits and learns generates incredible zchusim.
But there’s more.
In Olam Habah, you will know and understand the Torah that was learned because of your support — as if you learned it yourself.

When you have a part in another’s learning, it becomes an everlasting part of you.

Partner with a talmid chacham at Kollel Lomdei Retzifus and receive a share in his learning and the zchus of his teffilos at the kever of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.
Image of talmidei chachamim at Kever Rashbi

You get more than you give

“It's a true Zechus to support the Talmidei Chachamim of Kollel Lomdei Retzifus. In this Yissachar-Zevulun partnership, you get more than you give.”
Moshe Rubin

From Tzfas to Meron to wherever you may be

Founded by Rabbi Shimon Halpern Shlita, Kollel Lomdei Retzifus moved from Tzfas to Meron to be able to learn near the kever of R’ Shimon Bar Yochai. The Rosh Kollel’s goal is to raise the levels of Torah learning and in so doing, allow anyone the opportunity to benefit from the special hashpaos of Torah learned b’retzifus.
Image of talmidei chachamim at Kever Rashbi

So happy to have a part

“So happy to have a part with the Talmidei Chachamim's learning and davening at the Kever of Reb Shimon Bar Yochai. It’s a good feeling to support Torah learning B'retzifus.  Kol Hakavod!”
Daniel Hirsch

Completely immersed in Torah learning

Every day, the talmidei chachamim of Kollel Lomdei Retzifus learn without any interruptions —bli hefsek. Cellphones are placed in a designated bin at the beginning of the seder to avoid disruptions and the atmosphere is one of complete immersion in Torah.
Image of talmidei chachamim at Kever Rashbi

A partnership with Rabbi Shimon

"I signed up for the Yissachar-Zevulun by Kever Rashbi because I feel it’s so much more than a partnership with a talmid chacham in a Beis Medrash — I feel like I’m learning with R’ Shimon himself!"
Yaakov Friedman

Rabbi Shimon’s Torah

Kollel Lomdei Retzifus is located right near the kever Rashbi, learning in Rav Stern’s (the Rav of Meron) shul. After the learning seder, there is a daily shiur on Zohar. Learning R’ Shimon Bar Yochai’s Torah right near his tziyon creates an atmosphere of kedusha that is felt throughout the kollel.
Image of talmidei chachamim at Kever Rashbi

A personal partnership

“It’s my pleasure to have partnered with Kollel Lomdei Retzifus at the Kever of Reb Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron where I have a personal Yissachar-Zevulun partnership with Harav Shimon Klein. The Kollel studies diligently every day for a few hours B'retzifus at the Kever. Thank you for the opportunity to partner with you in your Torah learning!”
Avi Schiff

Tefillos for your success

A full seder of learning b’retzifus is followed by mincha and tehillim at the Kever Rashbi. The talmidei chachamim of the kollel daven for their partners’ success and for specific yeshuos as requested.

Pidyon Rashash

Revealed by the Arizal and taught by the Rashash, the Pidyon Rashash is known as a powerful segulah for yeshuos, refuos, and hatzlacha in every way.

Rav Chaim Vital performed this segulah every year, stating in his sefer “Pri Eitz Hadar” that one who performs this segulah is “guaranteed to live the entire year in peace”.
Donate $250 and a talmid chacham from Kollel Lomdei Retzifus will perform this powerful pidyon on your behalf at the Kever Rashbi.

A tremendous opportunity

“My family and I took on to support one of the talmidei chachamim learning by the Kever of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and are very happy with the partnership. Kollel Retzifus is extremely sensitive, making sure that all our requests are added every so often. It's a big zchus and a tremendous opportunity for anyone.”
Rochel Perlstein

We feel privileged

“We are so grateful to Kollel Lomdei Retzifus in Meron for giving us the special opportunity of the Yissachar-Zevulun partnership. We feel privileged to be a part of these remarkable Talmidei Chachamim's learning and davening at the Kever of Reb Shimon Bar Yochai, and to support Torah learning B'retzifus.”
David Fischman

The eternity of Torah. The power of tefillah. The light of R’ Shimon Bar Yochai.

Contact us to become a partner

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Mishnayos for the aliyas neshama of your loved one

,נשמה has the same letters as משנה a reference to the connection and aliya that a neshama experiences when mishnayos are learned in the zechus of a niftar. At Kollel Lomdei Retzifus, talmidei chachamim will learn mishnayos in the zechus of your loved one.

Pidyon Rashash

Revealed by the Arizal and taught by the Rashash, the Pidyon Rashash is known as a powerful segulah for yeshuos, refuos, and hatzlacha in every way.

Rav Chaim Vital performed this segulah every year, stating in his sefer “Pri Eitz Hadar” that one who performs this segulah is “guaranteed to live the entire year in peace”.